Pet dog Cheeko which owner says was removed ‘in error’ last week
Shauna Doherty, from Ballindrait, Co Donegal says her dog was taken “in error” last week and she says it has now left her 13-year-old son “severely ill”.
She has been told one-year-old Cheeko had first been taken to Derry but has since been told that it is now in England.
The mother has now launched an appeal on Facebook under the page tile ‘Bring cheeko home’ and has asked the public for their help in tracing the pet.
Shauna posted: “Cheeko was removed from our property in error with another dog that was for rehoming.
“Despite working tirelessly all weekend my 13 year old special needs son is still without his beloved dog.
“We were told that he was in the care of a lady from the Derry/Eglinton area and have since been in touch with her.
“She said she had our dog cheeko on Thursday but that he was shipped to Dogs Trust in England on Friday which I find hard to believe as he didn’t have any passports or paper work.
“My child is severely ill now and all we wants is his dog home.
“We think he may still be in Ireland but in the off chance that he did indeed go to England we need the public’s help to share this page far and wide.
“Any info will be treated in confidence.
“All we want is cheeko home.
“It takes two seconds to share.
“I’ll will post names and places if he doesn’t turn up.
“I’ve also already shared info to Dogs Trust UK and awaiting a reply from them.”