The Careers Team at North West Regional College – from left are Gavin Stevenson, Stephen Sheridan, Finneen Bradley, Lauren Curry, Lynn Carton Kelly and Jonathan Wilson.
The team which encompasses a dynamic group of Senior Career Advisors, work across five campuses and in the community, offering guidance on a number of educational and vocational avenues for personal career development including Further and Higher Education courses and Apprenticeships.
Finneen Bradley, Careers Manager at NWRC said: “The Careers Team at NWRC are delighted to have been shortlisted for the Education and Guidance Award.
“The work my team and I undertake is changing and enhancing lives in our college and in our community on a daily basis.
“Career Development within the Careers Academy takes a 3E approach which is Employability, Enterprise and Enrichment.
“At the Careers Academy we provide a one-stop support service for students, and an open door policy for career planning and guidance interviews. The Academy also delivers bespoke programmes and interactive workshops.
“I am extremely fortunate to have an amazing team of staff around me who all have the same, shared vision and we continue to go from strength to strength.”
Leo Murphy, Principal and Chief Executive of NWRC said: “I’d like to offer my warmest congratulations to Finneen and her team on making it through the Beacon Awards finals, which are highly regarded as the Careers Oscars of Further Education.
“Our Careers Academy team do an outstanding job with their innovative approach to enriching the lives of Further and Higher Education students and apprentices.
“NWRC is committed to building the skills needed by our young people in the modern world of employment, and our Careers Department is central in helping to nurture the next generation.”
Now in its 24th year, the AoC Beacon Awards showcase best practice and innovation in colleges. The winners will be announced on March 22, 2019.
Carole Stott MBE, Chair of the AoC Charitable Trust, said: “The Beacon Awards were created to highlight the great work that goes on in colleges every day.
“Colleges do great work transforming the lives of more than two million people each day and are deeply embedded within their communities.
“North West Regional College has done exceptionally well to get this far and we wish them the best of luck.”