DERRY Sinn Féin Councillor Kevin Campbell has appealed for illegal dumpers to stop targeting roads on the outskirts of Creggan.
The councillor has taken pictures of the illegal dumping which includes bags of rubbish, a mattress, window blinds and a large fridge.
Councillor Campbell said: “I was contacted by residents who were furious at the amount of rubbish that has been dumped on a number or roads at the back of Creggan over the New Year period.
“They were shocked to see the amount of materials and rubbish dumped at the side of the Glassagh, Creevagh and Brahead Roads.
“These items had to be transported to the area in a van because of their size and bulk.
“I would appeal to people to desist from this practice immediately and have a bit of respect for the local community and the environment.
“Creggan is not a dumping ground and this type of behaviour will not be tolerated,” added Cllr Campbell.