Visiting the site this week Councillor Tierney said:
“This is an exciting development in the Ballyarnett area, one which will see further investment in community infrastructure which is something that has been sadly lacking for decades.
“This £1.4million project will hopefully open its doors to the public in the summer time and will be another huge assist within the local area and will benefit the users from right across the City.
“I was encouraged when I visited the site this week to see the building at an advanced stage.
“This is testament to the hard work being carried out by everyone involved with Leafair Community association that a project of this scale and size has become a reality.
“This will become a one stop facility for all your health and wellbeing needs in the heart of the community which can only be a positive for everyone within this area.
“I look forward to the building being open to the public in the very near future,” added Cllr Tierney.