RESIDENTS in Derry are angry and are demanding answers over what they say is a huge rise in prices recently from gas supplier Firmus Energy.
Earlier today, Derry Daily reported that Sinn Fein Councillor Patricia Logue had been contacted by customers who said they believed they are are paying too much on their top up meters.
Firmus customers have posted on Derry Daily’s Facebook page that they too have noticed that they are not getting as much gas for their money as they used to.
One woman posted: “I just got converted from oil to gas only in a fortnight and I’ve played £80 into the meter. Sorry now I paid to get it in.”
Another customer wrote: “I used to get 2 units per pound, now for £20 I only get 32 units so it has gone up a good bit.”
Others have also regretted switching from oil to gas recently.
One woman posted: “I’ve had man check my meter and said its fine but i am putting in £80 a month and when its colder sometimes £100 to £120.
“Sorry i ever got it installed.”
Councillor Logue said she has asked the company how widespread the problem is and what steps they are taking to rectify the situation.
Said Councillor Logue: “I was contacted by a number of constituents who felt that they had been overcharged on their gas top up meters.
“When they queried this, it was subsequently found to be the case and they received refunds which has to be welcomed.
“Following these concerns being raised with me I got in touch with firmus and asked that they investigate the scale of this problem in Derry and that they put in place measures to rectify the situation as quickly as possible.
“And if any customer has overpaid that they should be credited straight away.”

Sinn Fein councillor Patricia Logue
Anyone wishing to get in contact with her is asked to ring her on 07851 313 583.
The Firmus letter states:
“Dear Patricia,
“Thank you for your email.
“Further to your conversation with my colleague earlier today, I can confirm checks are completed annually by our meter readers who will report any flags/errors on the metering equipment as well as the meter box.
“Faults identified are reported to firmus who will follow up accordingly.
“Faults or damage to the meter box are reported to the Owner / Occupier as it is their responsibility to arrange repairs.
“Firmus energy also have a 10 year maintenance programme in place which involves the replacement of batteries and regulators, even if these are not deemed faulty.
“If a customer on supply with firmus energy has concerns about their top up amount or if they experience error codes at their meter or at Paypoint, we would recommend that they contact us on 0800 032 4567 so we can assist them further.
“This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.”
Last October Firmus Energy announced it was raising it prices for customers in Derry and nine other cities and towns by a whopping 12 per cent.
The company stated that customers in Derry and other cities and town outside Belfast would see their typical household bill rise by £6.25 per month, or by £1.44 per week.
The typical household bill in the Greater Belfast area would increase by £5.47 per month, equivalent to £1.26 per week.
It means householders in Derry are paying almost £1 per month more than Firmus customers in the Greater Belfast area.