Lilian Seenoi-Barr running for SDLP in Derry council elections
Lilian Seenoi-Barr is head of the North-West Migrants Forum and has a wealth of experience fighting for social justice.
Lilian is head of the North-West Migrants Forum and has a wealth of experience fighting for social justice.
Her work began in Kenya fighting for Maasai women and girl’s rights; advocating for the eradication of female genital mutilation, early forced marriages and access to free primary education.
In 1999, she co-founded the Maasai education discovery-brides rescue project to rescue young Maasai girls from early forced marriage and female genital mutilation; working with others to challenge the Kenyan government to introduce laws that protect the rights of woman and girls, freedom of choice and access to free and compulsory primary education for deprived communities.
Before she left Kenya, Lilian had rescued over 5000 Maasai girls.
After arriving in Derry she struggled to integrate due to the lack of services and support for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers in the city.
Determined that other Black and Minority Ethnic residents should have better support than she experienced herself, she worked to establish and build the North-West Migrants Forum to provide essential support for migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in the city.
SDLP Leader Colum Eastwood said: ““We are delighted to have a candidate of the calibre of Lilian.
“Lilian’s record in fighting for equality and justice for the oppressed is beyond compare.
“Given the history of Derry and the Civil Rights Movement, we know her determination to fight for fairness will stand her in good stead, and we are confident she will become a sitting councillor on 2 May,” added the Foyle MLA.