Kieran Hegarty of Terex Corporation announcing at the Guildhall today a £12m investment and 100 new jobs for Derry
The Foyle MP said: “I welcome this jobs boost for the city with the creation of 100 new jobs by the Terex Corporation at Campsie.
“This is a welcome boost for the manufacturing sector and it is encouraging to see companies like this with local roots returning to create opportunities in the north west.
“This investment of £12m in our local economy is a good news story for the north west.
“This is the latest in a series of jobs announcements for the city and is the outworking of the collaborative approach to job creation led by Derry City and Strabane District Council and other key stakeholders.
“With the appointment by the north west development group of an individual to specifically look at attracting inward investment to Derry and Donegal I would be hopeful of further job announcements in the time ahead.”