Derry City and Strabane District Council has set aside £2m for the redevelopment plans
A public consultation event has already taken place earlier this month at Brandywell Stadium where the public had the chance to give their views on both projects.
The Brandywell sports centre was established in the 1980’s and was recently demolished in preparation for the new Brandywell stadium and greyhound track which opened in Spring 2017.
The Daisyfield Sports Grounds project proposes to provide a replacement centre in the area and to refurbish the existing natural grass pitches.
The project brief following preliminary consultation for the proposed development includes a single storey sports centre with facilities for boxing, snooker, social area, four block changing room facility, 100x500m grass pitch, Fifa 1 star synthetic multi use games area, car parking and access facilities.
Links to the two open invitation online surveys related to this project are below, the first link is for clubs, schools, groups and organisations (to be completed by a club/group representative e.g. Chair, Secretary, Coaching Officer etc. – one response per group) and the second link is for individual members of the public.
1. To be completed by Club, Schools, Groups, Organisations (one response per group) https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DaisyfieldClubGroup
2. Community Survey to be completed by individual members of the public https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/DaisyfieldCommunity