SDLP Councillor Shauna Cusack
Said Cllr Cusack: “I had just left the park no more than an hour before and it was as normal, peaceful and quiet with the usual joggers and dog walkers.
“At tea time I was alerted to what was happening as constituents messaged me and video footage emerged online.
“This was very disturbing with hundreds of young boys and girls surrounded two young lads who proceeded to punch and kick each other cheered on by the crowd.
“Eventually one of them fled down towards Northland Road and the crowd followed.
“I can imagine how terrifying this would have been for the residents of the area or anyone innocently caught up in the scene.
“I immediately contacted the authorities who attended the scene when things had calmed and remained there for a while in case anything should re-emerge.
“I would ask all parents to examine the online footage to see if the can recognise their child.
“This behaviour is very worrying and hopefully not a trend which is set to continue.
“I would urge all young people who think this is fun and a ‘ right of passage’ to remember the very real fact that one punch can kill and many lives, including their own, will be ruined,” she added.