SDLP councillor Shauna Cusack
Said Cllr Cusack: “The objectives of Live Here Love Here are to improve the health and well being of communities by improving or maintaining public spaces.
“It supports projects which find innovative ways to deal with dog fouling and littering and in turn creating a sense of civic pride.
“I am very passionate about this issue as I believe we are all entitled to live in clean and beautiful neighbourhoods.
“Unfortunately we still have an element in every area who have a selfish disregard for the residents by indulging in littering, graffiti or are irresponsible pet owners, thankfully they are the minority.
“Such projects can help to negate these behaviours.
“I have personally seen how neglected areas can be totally transformed by community volunteers coming together to improve and promote their environments.
“The deadline for applications is Friday, May 29.
“So I would encourage anyone interested to visit the Live Here Love Here website for eligibility to apply,” she added.