Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Karen Mullan
The Party’s Education Spokesperson said: “The online application process for school transport is now available for new applicants on the Education Authority’s website.
“The online option is available to children who are entering primary school and those transferring from primary to post primary school.
“Children moving to Year 13 must make a new application following confirmation of acceptance into Year 13. Alternatively, parents can contact their local Transport Office.
“Children currently receiving transport assistance and who are staying at the same Primary School or Post Primary School years 8-11 do not need to reapply, unless there is a change in circumstances.
“Translink sessional passes will be available for collection at schools at the beginning of term.
“I would urge all parents who wish for their children to avail of school transport in the coming school year to make the application on https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/home-to-school-transport as soon as possible,” added the Foyle MLA.