Sinn Fein Foyle MP Elisha McCallion
The Foyle MP was commenting after she urged to Karen Bradley to set out a time frame for the implementation of legislation to address the issue without further delay.
Said Elisha McCallion: “I raised the issue of redress for victims of historical institutional abuse with the British Secretary of State Karen Bradley today.
“I urged her to stop dragging her feet. I said there is an urgent responsibility on the British government to act now to legislate in the interests of victims and survivors, including redress.
“However Karen Bradley said she has no time frame at present to implement the regulations to meet the needs of victims.
“Once again the hopes of victims who were abused while in care have been raised and once again they have been dashed.
“This is cruel and unnecessary.
“There are literally victims dying without the redress they are entitled to.
”The British government needs to act and act now so that the needs of victims are urgently addressed.
“There should be no more stalling,” added the former Mayor of Derry.