BUSINESSES in Strabane can find out more about the benefits of Strabane BID thanks to the efforts of the Council business team who will be available one day a week at the Alley Theatre to offer advice and assistance.
In an effort to step up participation in the scheme and heighten awareness of BID, the business team will host a weekly drop-in session for local businesses to come and meet the BID team to discuss their concerns and to give advice and assistance.
Starting today, Wednesday, July 31, a member of the Business team will be available for weekly drop in sessions at the Alley Theatre between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm.
Louise Breslin from Council’s Business team says the drop-in sessions will provide an opportunity for businesses to share their good news stories and ideas for raising the profile of Strabane and its unique retail offering.
She said: “We are really keen to step up our engagement with businesses in Strabane and assist them in availing of the opportunities that the BID programme provides.
“The sessions will also help us in our efforts to promote Strabane as a great place to shop, visit and live to a wider audience.
“Key to the success of BID is businesses working in partnership with Council and other stakeholders to build on the potential the town has to develop and enhance its retail and tourism offering.”
Louise added that in addition to the drop-in session on 31 July the following dates have also been confirmed – 7th Aug; 14th Aug; 21st Aug and 28th Aug; 4th September, 11thSeptember , 18th September and 25th September.
While no appointment is necessary, businesses are encouraged to contact the Business team in advance to avoid unnecessary waiting: the contact details are as follows – Tel: +44 (0) 28 71 253 253 ext 6983; Mob: +44 (0) 7548162347
Email: [email protected]