Sinn Fein Foyle MP Elisha McCallion
Elisha McCallion said: “The DUP are acting as cheerleaders for a hard Tory Brexit that poses a massive economic and political threat to the island of Ireland.
“In response to that threat, there is an onus on progressive and pro-Remain parties to do everything in our power to oppose that disastrous agenda.
“The pending Westminster election is our opportunity to do that and to once again show Dublin, London, Europe and the world that the DUP do not speak for the majority.
“Remain candidates could unseat DUP Brexiteers in a number of constituencies across the North and Sinn Féin has already been in contact with other parties to explore options and turn that possibility into a political reality.
“Unseating DUP Brexiteers should be the focus of this election.
“I would urge all progressive and pro-Remain parties to explore the possibility of working together to unseat DUP MPs and send a powerful message that we reject the DUP/Tory Brexit.”