Sinn Fein Foyle MP Elisha McCallion
The Foyle MP was responding to comments made by Arlene Foster at the Conservative Party Conference.
Elisha McCallion said: “The DUP do not represent the majority of people in the North who oppose Brexit.
“They have no regard for our economic interests and seem only intent in pushing us over the economic cliff edge with their Brexit agenda.
“Our businesses want a deal, our farmers want a deal, our manufacturers want a deal, our workers want a deal and our community and voluntary organisations want a deal.
“Ireland cannot be collateral damage in the Tory DUP Brexit.
“If the British government does drag us out of the EU then the bare minimum protection we need against the Brexit catastrophe is the backstop.
“If we are dragged out of the EU against our will then people should be given the opportunity to vote to get back into the EU through Irish reunification.”