Sinn Fein Foyle MP Elisha McCallion
The Foyle MP was responding to comments by British Secretary of State Julian Smith in defence of Boris Johnson’s reckless Brexit proposals.
Elisha McCallion said: “Any notion that the DUP would have a veto on this island’s future arrangements with the EU is a non-runner – it drives a coach and horses through the Good Friday Agreement.
“The British government’s proposals to bring back customs checks and create a harder border on the island of Ireland is dangerous and reckless and are a huge setback for our peace and political processes.
“It’s clear that Julian Smith and the British government no longer even pretends to act with the rigorous impartiality demanded by the Good Friday Agreement.
“Instead, they are wedded to a self-serving pact with the DUP to drive through a catastrophic Brexit which will drive our economy over the cliff,” added the former Mayor of Derry.