Special meeting to be held at Guildhall this week on social justice
The meeting, which is organised by the Derry Trades Union Council (DTUC) in partnership with Derry City & Strabane District Council, will take place from 5.30pm–7pm in the Guildhall.
Encouraging the public to attend, Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Michaela Boyle, said this public information session will assist in developing a week long programme on Labour Rights & Social Justice Week scheduled to place from Monday 27th April until Saturday 2nd May 2020, and also include the Trade Union’s International Workers Day Rally.
She said the event was an important one for workers and employers to attend and would be beneficial to everyone who has an interest in social justice and workers’ rights.
The Workers’ Rights and Social Justice Week scheduled for the spring of 2020 will have a duel theme of both celebration and education, associated and linked to the Trade Union Movement both locally and internationally, with community involvement and participation a key purpose and ethos.
It will also bring historical ‘stories to light’ based on the council’s collections and archives.
Those with an interest in attending are urged to register in advance via the following link – https://www.derrystrabane.com/informationsession