Sinn Fein Foyleside councillor Mickey Cooper
Said Cllr Cooper: “We are all aware that the number of older citizens in our council area has increased dramatically over the last few decades and that many of these older citizens suffer from both social isolation and financial hardship.
“It is also plain to see that leading an active lifestyle through the use of council’s leisure facilities is an excellent way of combating this isolation and improving both physical and mental wellbeing.
“Unfortunately, it is also true that citizens in their late 70’s find it more and more difficult to drive due to problems with their eyesight and that the public transport system does not make it easy for them to travel to council leisure facilities.
“This means that such service users are currently relying on taxis to take them to leisure centres and also having to pay for their admission which creates financial hardship when done on a regular basis.
“With this is mind I am calling on the councils Health & Communities committee to consider waiving fees for the use of councils leisure facilities for this age group.
“I am hopeful that this will actually see the use of the facilities increasing which will further improve the health and wellbeing of even more of our older citizens,” he added.