A programme led by Derry City and Strabane District Council promoting staff health and wellbeing has been shortlisted for special recognition by the Public Services People Managers Association (PPMA).
PPMA is the first choice association for people professionals across public services, and the annual awards provides a platform to celebrate excellence in management practices and organisational development.
Council’s successful BeWell Programme has been selected in the Best Health & Wellbeing Initiative category.
The programme has been running since 2015 and offers Council staff a wide range of activities, workshops and information on how to enhance both mental and physical health and wellbeing.
The programme has been extremely effective in building staff morale and improving levels of absenteeism by offering solutions and support around a wide range of issues.
Activities have included yoga sessions, Couch to 5 K programmes, the establishment of the Council Choir and Grow Your Own workshops.
Staff have also been offered training in mindfulness, advice on menopause and information on a whole host of health issues as well as checks on blood pressure and weight.
These are just a few of the initiatives that have been warmly welcomed by staff and their feedback helps shape the programme going forwards.
Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District, Councillor Michaela Boyle, said she was delighted to see the programme shortlisted for such a prestigious award.
“Council is a huge organisation and developing a programme to reflect the diverse needs of such a large workforce is a real challenge.
“But BeWell has really grown and developed thanks to the level of engagement with staff and their role in shaping a programme that addresses a wide spectrum of relevant issues.
“Council is committed to improving Health and Wellbeing right across the City and District, beginning with our own staff and we take that responsibility very seriously.
“I am delighted to see all the work that has gone into this programme being recognised at this level, and I look forward to the Awards with my fingers crossed that it scoops the top prize.”
PPMA continuously strives to enhance, promote and raise the standards of people management and organisation development within public services.
According to the organisers this year’s awards have been extremely competitive with an exceptionally high standard of entries.
The winners will be announced at a special Annual Gala Dinner on Tuesday, March 31, 2020.
Full details of all of those shortlisted can be found at www.ppma.org.uk/ppma-excellence-in-people-management-awards-2020/