Sinn Fein councillor Patricia Logue
Councillor Logue said: “I along with Cllr Sandra Duffy met with the Housing Executive in Derry to raise concerns about the lengthy time period involved in getting much need adaptions to local homes.
“This is a very unacceptable and frustrating position for individuals who have been assessed as having health conditions that require home adaptation and in expectation that it would be carried out in the time-frame indicated.
“While they Housing Executive are saying that they are now working in a different way to try to reduce the waiting time. And progress has been made, there is still a way to go on the target of 52 weeks.
“We also suggested having a two-tier system one for minor and one for major adaptions, they promised to consider this going forward.
“I will be asking the Council to agree to inviting the H.E into the council to make a presentation on this issue to the relevant committee.”