Sinn Fein councillor Paul Fleming
Said the rural councillor: “Many people who are self-employed are struggling as a result of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and are unsure about what support they are entitled to.
“HMRC has launched an online tool for the self-employed to check if they are eligible for the income support scheme but many in the north cannot access it.
“The online service requires people to have a British passport or a British driving licence, not a northern one, as a form of ID.
“Many people in the north do not hold either so this site is not fit for purpose.
“Effectively it is excluding many self employed people from the North from accessing a service which is needed at this difficult time.
“I am calling on HMRC and the British Chancellor to amend the current application process to ensure self employed people from the North can access this online service as a matter of urgency.”