Almost 80,000 people in Northern Ireland were contacted by letter from their GP, advising them to self-isolate or shield due to COVID-19.
Said the Foyle MLA: “As lockdown restrictions continue it is important that the Health Minister and his Department consider a further extension of the shielding period advised for those with health conditions that place them at the highest risk to Covid-19.
“Soon the initially advised 12 week shielding period will come to an end. The length and revised guidance attached to any extension should of course be based entirely by the latest expert scientific and medical advice.
“Many individuals across Northern Ireland who received a shielding letter from their GP are now wondering what advice will be specified for them once the 12 week period finishes.
“They need further clarity beyond this time to ensure they are given the most up to date guidance to protect themselves.
“As Northern Ireland rightly prepares for the phased recovery we must also consider the most vulnerable sections of society to this Virus.”