Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Karen Mullan
Said the Foyle MLA: “Domestic abuse has rightly been a focus for the Assembly since its return in January and this has been demonstrated with the accelerated pace of the Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill.
“Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought into stark reality the difficulties faced by victims of domestic abuse, with the lockdown escalating the threat of domestic abuse, cutting off escape routes, and making it more difficult to seek help.
“Figures show domestic abuse cases were on the rise because of COVID-19.
“So this is a welcome cash boost to an organisation which provides such valuable support for victims.
“The care packages will be formed of food parcels, learning resources and games for families, including laptops and mobile phones.
“I welcome the focus that has been put on tackling domestic abuse from all Executive Departments, including additional financial support for the 24 hour Domestic and Sexual Abuse Helpline, and the Communities Minister’s increased temporary accommodation places for victims of domestic abuse.
“I’d further urge the Justice Minister to act quickly to publish her Department’s five year action plan to tackle domestic abuse.”