Plans to relocate Lidl store in Derry
The meeting was told that the application included a request for the existing Lidl building to be retained but that the retail use would be extinguished at part of vacant premises with the vacant site to the south-east bounded, and the new site at Springtown Road and Buncrana Road.
The Committee also approved an application for change of use from Class 1 food supermarket to Class B4 storage with ancillary trade counter at Lidl Store, 24 Buncrana Road
Members at the meeting heard how the applicants, Lidl, has a shortage of parking spaces and limited staff welfare and storage facilities and there is no room to expand on the current site and that this proposal will allow for increased floor space and staff facilities.
They were informed that the existing Lidl store is in an established retail facility on the Buncrana Road and the replacement proposal will continue to serve the local shopping need.
Members were advised that this is the first instance of Council dealing with a Discontinuance Order to remove the existing use and replace the use in the new site and that legal advice was sought and considered as part of the recommendation.
The meeting heard that objections to the application related to car parking, traffic congestion, lack of public transport and pedestrian safety.
Representation from the applicant that presented at the meeting was given consideration by members.
Voting unanimously in favour of the application, the Planning Committee heard how the proposal was considered in accordance with the DAP 2011 and that full planning permission was granted subject to conditions.
Welcoming the decision, the Chair of the Planning Committee Cllr Christopher Jackson said he welcomed the investment by Lidl and their plans to improve accessibility for the public and staff facilities.
This month’s Planning Committee was held at the Guildhall over two days – Wednesday 01 and 02 July and was attended by members of the planning committee and officials only and broadcast live to the public on https://derrycityandstrabanedistrict.public-i.tv/core/portal/home
Anyone looking for planning information on application forms, planning fees and planning applications are encouraged to visit the planning portal: www.planningni.gov.uk/public-access-info or contact the service directly by e mailing [email protected] or