Social distancing of two metres should be maintained as much as possible
The agency says it is linking them to a social gathering in a private or residential setting in Limavady.
In a statement, the agency said: “Testing and contact tracing is being carried out to identify anyone who may be potentially affected and to help prevent any further spread.”
The agency says with lockdown restrictions being eased clusters like this “are be expected”.
All new confirmed cases are monitored by the PHA to identify potential clusters, outbreaks or linked cases, with infection control advice offered where appropriate.
Anyone concerned that they have symptoms of Coronavirus – a raised temperature, a new continuous cough, or a change in their sense of taste or smell – can now be tested.
Tests can be booked at a number of sites around Northern Ireland by visiting: www.pha.site/coronavirus
The public are reminded to maintain a social distance of two metres as much as possible and wash their hands as regularly as possible to prevent the spread of Coronavirus.
There have also been four new reported cases of Coroanvirus in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.