IT’S World Suicide Prevention Day.
In Derry City Centre a large empty chair has been displayed to represent all the empty chairs in homes as a result of suicide.
It will hopefully make people talk about mental health.
This conversation can start with 3 simple words: HOW ARE YOU?
It comes on the day that Health Minister Robin Swann has provided £60,000 to fund the Community Crisis Intervention Service in Derry.
Many local politicians in the city had been lobbying the Health Minister to come with the cash to keep the vital service going
SDLP MLA Mark H Durkan has welcomed confirmation of the funding package following extensive lobbying from himself and others.
“As welcome as this relief funding is, it is essential we now establish a long-term solution for this life-saving provision.
“The service has had to fight tooth and nail, each quarter for every penny it gets. In June after the last round of funding was secured, I made the same plea.
“That plea must be given the consideration it deserves. The Executive has a duty to act in accordance with their mental health commitments; tangible effort must be made to provide rolling funding.
“Unfortunately, in recent weeks our city has witnessed the profound and evident need for a crisis intervention service here. And it will no doubt continue to play a critical role in the months ahead.“It goes without saying, the volunteers and staff at Extern have carried out sterling work to date, particularly during this difficult period.
“They continue to have my utmost respect and admiration.
“I will not let up in the fight to ensure this mental health service is maintained and sustained on a long-term basis.”
So on World Suicide Prevention Day, start a conversation with someone you care about – you don’t have to have all the answers, and won’t.
Listen with compassion, empathy and a lack of judgement or contact a support organisation.
Lifeline 08088088000
Samaritans 116123
CCIS 02871262300