Dery City Cemetery will return to normal opening hours from this weekend
The council said in a statement today: “The public are reminded that they must continue to adhere to the guidelines regarding social distancing and co-operate fully with Council staff at all times.
“It is important to note that when funerals are taking place, some areas within the cemeteries will be cordoned off.
“This is to ensure health and safety measures are in place and to allow mourners the space and privacy to grieve and pay their respects in a safe and controlled environment.
“The public are also advised that as a result of the current pandemic these arrangements are subject to change.
“There will be instances where the facilities may have to close at short notice to comply with COVID 19 regulations.
“The cemetery offices will remain closed with no public access.
“However, all enquiries or queries regarding geneaology or headstone permits can be made by telephone at 028 71 362615 or email.
“More info is available at www.derrystrabane.com/cemeteries”