Fears further restrictions in North will devastate local economy and hit jobs
They say Stormont does not have “the financial firepower” to support firms throughout another pandemic crisis.
They fear that a second lockdown, without the same degree of financial support available earlier this year, will result in business closures and job losses.
The Executive meets today, Thursday, October 1 to discuss the latest data and decide if further restrictions are needed.
On Wednesday, the Department of Health announce there had been a further 424 positive cases in the North of Ireland in the previous 24 hours, a record number since the pandemic erupted here in March.
Yesterday Health Minister Robin Swann said there was a need for further restrictions.
And he said it was “inevitable” that further restrictions would be needed to stop the spread of the virus in the North West where Derry City and Strabane District Council has the highest infection rate of anywhere in the UK per head of population.
He said he would not be taking a region-wide “circuit-break” lockdown off the table.
However, Economy Minister Diane Dodds warned on Tuesday that we “simply cannot afford another lockdown”.
In a joint statement, Derry Chamber; Belfast Chamber; Causeway Chamber; Hospitality Ulster; Manufacturing NI; Newry Chamber; NI Retail Consortium and Retail NI said: “We are all well aware of the huge challenge before the Executive as it continues to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.
“Equally, it has been a really tough time for businesses in many sectors of our economy with both employers and employees facing into an uncertain future.
“Throughout the crisis created by Covid-19, businesses have stepped forward and played their part.
“We understand how ministers may have to introduce additional measures to help in the fight against the virus.
“However, we have come together to ask that they carefully consider the impact that each of their actions have on businesses and their staff and we especially implore you to resist placing our economy in any type of lockdown again.
“It is absolutely clear that the Executive does not have the financial firepower to offer the kind of levels of support previously available to businesses during the last lockdown.
“Our fear is that a lockdown without sufficient support for businesses will result in closures and a considerable number of job losses.
“And that devastating economic impact is something we urge ministers to have at the forefront of their minds.”
The groups said they recognise that the Executive faces “an enormous task, but we encourage them to work with business to find solutions that ensure that when we get through this crisis, as we will, we can retain jobs, keep businesses open and have an economy that is strong and capable of growing again”.