Former fire station building at Northland Road to become Bed and Breakfast accommodation
The application for the change of use for the listed building at 6A Northland Road, which is currently used as rental accommodation, was made by Shane Birney Architects on behalf of Ursula Walsh.
Chairman of Council’s Planning Committee, Councillor Christopher Jackson, welcomed the approval and looked forward to the building becoming and addition to the City’s visitor accommodation portfolio.
“The fire station building is one of significant architectural and historic importance and is situated in a prominent position above the level of Northland Road,” he noted.
“The site is listed within the Central Area of the Derry Area Plan and is beside the existing Northland Road Fire Station and Radio Foyle and within walking distance of our commercial core.
“The Bed and Breakfast will offer visitors a central location to explore our City and District and will be an important and much needed addition to Derry’s tourist accommodation options.”
Council’s Planning Department received no objections to the application and one letter of support outlining that an Historic Building assessment should not be a barrier to enabling the building to provide socio economic benefits to the area.
The application was two-fold as it includes a change of use element and internal changes to a listed building to permit the change of use.
Head of Planning at Derry City and Strabane District Council, Maura Fox, added: “This application is a good example of the reuse of a listed building where the character and appearance is protected.
“It is ideally located for visitor accommodation and is situated a short walk from the city’s quayside, commercial centre and the city’s visitor attractions.
“This development can support existing services and facilities in the Central Area of the city such as retail, catering, entertainment, leisure and transport.”
All planning application forms, drawings, consultations, letters, representations etc. relating to this planning application are available to view on www.planningni.gov.uk
This month’s Planning Committee was held virtually and was broadcast live to the public on https://derrycityandstrabanedistrict.public-i.tv/core/portal/home
Anyone looking for planning information on application forms, planning fees and planning applications are encouraged to visit the planning portal: www.planningni.gov.uk/public-access-info or contact the service directly at 028 71 253253.