Greenhaw Lodge Care Centre in Derry
She was speaking after the Western Trust and Larchwood Care Ltd said they will be moving this week to engage with residents and their families at Greenhaw Lodge around their options for moving to alternative premises following the Justice of The Peace Order which was issued in September.
The Foyle MLA said: “In September I said that there would undoubtedly be concern amongst the families of the 40 residents following the news that the RQIA were taking enforcement action.
“The fact that serious issues were identified which could impact on the health of residents is extremely concerning.
“The Western Trust have now put a number of options forward some of which will be unlikely to suit residents and their families.
“If residents have to be moved every care should be taken to ensure the disruption is minimal and they are not moved far from relatives and loved ones.
“The Western Trust must ensure that the alternative accommodation is suitable and meets the needs of patients and their families.
“The care and safety of patients must be paramount in all of this.”