Selina Horshie owner of the White Horse Hotel
All pubs, restaurants, cafes and hotels will have to shut their oors to the public at 6 pm this Friday, October 16.
They can still trade in providing takeaway and delivery services.
Selina Horshie who owns the White Horse Hotel in Campsie said her business had to borrow to pay bills “month on month” during the initial lockdown and fears the latest measures will hit the industry hard.
With the Derry City and Strabane District Council area facing tighter measures in recent weeks, including on travel advice, she said occupancy levels are down and her business misses out on many of the financial support packages.
“We really need to know exactly what the rules are because we’re always having to do things incredibly quickly,” she told the BBC.
“We need communication about exactly which parts of the sector are going to be helped and which ones aren’t.
“This is crunch time.”
Hospitality Ulster says it fears the fresh restrictions will affect many in the sector who have been struggling to keep their heads above water since March.

The White Horse hotel in Derry
“We understand that obviously health comes first, but I think it’s fair to say the hospitality industry has done more than any other industry to step up with measures.
“We have a health crisis, we accept that, but we also now have a hospitality crisis,” he continued.
“What happens in four weeks if the rate [of infection] hasn’t come down?”