Sinn Fein councillor Patricia Logue
She was speaking after residents found a number of discarded drug packages on the very busy pathway outside Celtic Park on the Lone Moor Road.
Councillor Logue said “I was contacted by a number of constituents who asked me to put out a public warning through the media that these packages were laying on this busy roadway.
“Some were empty and others had small amounts residue in them.
“They were quickly put down a nearby drain just to get them out of harm’s way.
“They had genuine concerns a child would lift them and as this is a very busy road for dog walking that someone’s pet would eat them and cause harm to the animal.
“Sadly, it’s not unusual for such packages to be found on our city’s streets.
“With this in mind I think it is very important that parents tell their children not to lift these packages and explain about how dangerous they can be.
“And the same warning goes for pet owners to be on the alert.”