It will cost £50 million to clean up dump at Mobuoy near Derry
He was speaking in advance of an appearance by Minister Poots at the councils Environment & Regeneration committee tomorrow.
Said Councillor Fleming: “I’m pleased that Minister Poots has agreed to appear before the committee which focuses on the Mobouy Road site where almost two million tonnes of illegal waste was dumped over a number of years.
“It will also allow us to discuss progress on Environment Agency plans for clearing the site as quickly as possible to minimise impacts on the adjacent River Faughan which supplies much of the local drinking water.
“I will also be emphasising that the proposed works should be in line with the recommendations arising from the Mills Review into the Mobuoy site.
“It’s vital we deal with the site as quickly and safely as possible with a robust remediation strategy.
“However, lessons must be learned from the litany of mistakes that led to the illegal dumping so that regulations and procedures are put in place to ensure it never happens again.
“To that end I will be reiterating my call to Minister Poots to hold a public inquiry into dumping at Mobuoy, not to assign blame but to better protect our countryside and waterways for future generations.”
The council has previously been told it will cost £50 million to clean up the ‘super dump’.