Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Karen Mullan
Said the Foyle MLA: “The launch of the Department of Justice consultation into stronger legal protections for victims of domestic abuse is welcome.
“The provision of enhanced and effective legal protections for domestic abuse victims must be a priority for all involved in the criminal justice system.
“As part of the Justice Committee’s considerations of the Domestic Abuse and Family Proceedings Bill, evidence was provided by victims and a wide range of organisations who highlighted the importance of enhanced protections.
“The proposed Domestic Abuse Protection Orders and Notices, together with the new domestic abuse offence, will be a huge step-change in how we tackle domestic abuse, providing victims with much needed protection and security.
“The inclusion of the committee amendment to strengthen the bill through information sharing with schools will provide increased support and protection for vulnerable children.
“There remains the need for much more work to strengthen this bill, including further engagement and the inclusion of additional amendments.
“Sinn Féin will continue to engage with support organisations and victims throughout this consultation to ensure that enhanced protections are delivered.”