Sinn Fein Foyle MLA Martina Anderson
Pointing out the boost to the island economy and the massive job creation that would result, David McWilliams is urging the administrations North and South to roll out a rebuilding project that would revolutionise travel and freight networks across the island.
Said the Foyle MLA: “I raised this very issue with the Infrastructure Minister in the Assembly last month and called on her to work with the Irish Government to develop the railway network along the Western corridor to connect Belfast to Galway through Derry and Letterkenny.
“While the whole rail network on the island needs modernising, it is glaringly obvious that the North West of the island has been deliberately neglected by successive governments in both Belfast and Dublin.
“I agree with David McWilliams that a programme of works should begin as a matter of urgency and not stop until we have a modern rail network servicing every City, Town, and village in Ireland.
“I believe that the starting point should be repairing the damage done to the North West and border region through wilful neglect by government.
“One only has to compare maps from pre-1960 to the present day to realise the starkness of that neglect.
“Therefore, I am once more calling on the Infrastructure Minister to work with her Ministerial counterpart in the south Eamon Ryan TD, to progress the Western Arc rail route.
“This would provide a vitally needed rail connection on the west of the island.
“The Western Arc would include a rail network extending from Belfast through Derry, Letterkenny, Sligo, Knock, and Galway connecting with on through services to Dublin and Cork.”