Mr Durkan was responding to guidance issued by the Health Department on 23rd December, 2020 that set out advice by the Chief Medical Officer to CED people.
Said the Foyle MLA: “I have written to the Communities Minister, copying in the Health Minister and Executive Office, urging them to ensure CED people who cannot work from home are not forced to make the impossible decision between their health and their livelihood.
“The rate of SSP is not an adequate substitute for the income these individuals are being advised to forego on the advice of the Chief Medical Officer.
“Quite simply, providing CEV individuals with SSP rather than 80% of wages – in line with the furlough scheme – undermines the public health efforts and will force many CEV people to choose between their health and paying their bills.
“Moreover, the guidance is silent on the position of the family members of CEV people who live in the same household, who cannot work from home and who consequentially risk exposure to Covid-19.
“The Communities Minister must work with the Health Minister and other Executive colleagues to establish a package of support for CEV people who cannot work from home that will ensure they do not have to risk sacrificing their health to support themselves and their families.”