SDLP Social Justice spokesperson Mark H Durkan has responded to the announcement by Communities Minister, Deirdre Hargey, that the independent advice sector will remain as “an essential element of DfC’s budget”.
Earlier this week it was revealed that up 45 jobs were under threat because of a lack of funding from DfC towards the advice sector.
Said the Foyle MLA: “The Communities Minister has belatedly acknowledged the value of the independent advice sector after the myopic £1.5 million cut to the sector revealed in her Draft Budget last week.
“With the Universal Credit claimant count rising and set to skyrocket when the furlough scheme ends and PIP and ESA appeals mounting each day, the independent advice sector’s services will be more vital than ever in the coming year.”
“Seeing as she had originally bid £3 million for the sector, the Communities Minister must now spell out exactly how she plans to protect those in need and, of course, our skilled advice workers by protecting provision of these services.
“Her assessment of the funding requirements and bid for £3 million for the sector was rejected by the Finance Minister, her party colleague Conor Murphy, so she must clarify the minimum amount she believes the sector can get by on.”