Infrastructure Minister Nicola Mallon
Calling out the failure of Arlene Foster to fulfil her Ministerial requirement by nominating a Unionist Minister to attend the NSMC Transport meeting, thereby obstructing the important meeting she was due to have with Irish Government Minister Eamon Ryan from going ahead, the SDLP Deputy Leader said:
“Today the DUP have once again blocked the proceeding of an important North South Ministerial Meeting.
“Irish Government Minister Eamon Ryan and I were waiting to join our meeting which was blocked from proceeding because no accompanying unionist Minister would make themselves available.
“This meeting was to take important decisions on all island transport projects that impact on the lives of citizens across Northern Ireland and the rest of the island.
“The DUP’s obstruction is a deliberate act to undermine the Good Friday Agreement. Their tactic of disruption and delay isn’t going to work.
“The Good Friday Agreement must be upheld in all its parts, British, Irish and North-South institutions.
“It is a big mistake for the DUP to seek to disrupt that. Another strategic error by a party panicked by it’s own internal disputes.
“The SDLP will not stand for this. We are now arranging urgent formal engagements with political parties and with the British and Irish Government.
“The days of the DUP showing disrespect and getting away with it are over.
“The SDLP won’t be obstructed from doing our jobs for citizens here by anyone and certainly not by Arlene Foster.”