Sinn Fein councillor Patricia Logue
Cllr Logue was commenting after learning that an application form needed for voter identification cards has been removed from the Electoral Office website.
She said: “While assisting an elderly constituent who needed help with her application for an electoral identification card, I became aware that the required form is no longer available on the Electoral Office website.
“The Electoral Office has since confirmed it has been removed and anyone requiring it should phone to check they are registered prior to the form being sent out.
“I find the removal of this form to be unhelpful and unfair.
“I have complained to the Electoral Office and asked for the form to be reinstated on the basis that its removal causes further disruption to an already reduced service, given the closure of local electoral offices.
“It also follows the decision by the Electoral Office to wipe the entire register.
“Given that action forces people to reapply if they wish to vote, the Electoral Office should be facilitating this process rather than hindering it which unfortunately seems to be the case.”