The remains of Samantha Willis carried into St Columb’s Church for Requiem Mass today
Samantha sadly passed away in Altnagelvin Hospital on Friday having given birth while on life support to baby girl, Evie-Grace.
The 35-year-old mother of three other children from Strathfoyle had been admitted for treatment after contracting the deadly virus.
Following her death, her heartbroken husband Josh posted a moving tribute to her on Facebook, in which he described how she struggled with the illness before dying with her family at her side.
Mourners at her Requiem Mass today in St Columb’s Church, Chapel Road in the Waterside area of the city, were told her death was “very much out of order”.
Fr Joe Clifford, an uncle of Josh, said no answers would satisfy the “deep loss” of the family.
He added: “It is difficult to understand why we are here for this today.
“The Liturgy today is about grieving but there are sprinkles of hope in there – but it is about grieving and it’s almost irony of what we are doing today is that we are acknowledging death and a life at the same time.
“We are doing a funeral Liturgy acknowledging the end of life, and Baptism acknowledging the beginning of life.
“It’s rare to do it this way, but it speaks about death and life – all inter-woven, sadness and joy all at the same time, but it is never brought together as close as this.
“And the joy of the Baptism and new life doesn’t diminish or minimise death – because it is the sadness that brings us here.”

Samantha Willis who tragically passed away in hospital on Friday from Coronavirus
Samantha was laid to rest in Ballyoan Cemetery in the Waterside.
She is survived by her husband Josh, children Shéa, Holly, Lilyanna and Eviegrace, parents Mary and Laurence, brothers Mark, Ryan and Adam, and sister Danielle.
A crown funding page has been set up to help support Josh and his family in the weeks and months ahead.
A target of £1,000 was set but that thas been surpassed with almost £5,000 donated to the fund so far.