Samantha and Josh Willis on their wedding day two years ago
The 35-year-old passed away in ICU at Altnagelvin Hospital in Derry on Friday after a 16-day battle with Covid-19.
During her funeral service at St Columb’s Church yesterday, her two-week old daughter Eviegrace was also baptised.
Tragically, Samantha never got to hold her newborn baby girl.
In the days following her death over the weekend, an online GoFundMe page was set up to help support the family, including her husband Josh, son Shea and daughters Holly, Lilyanna and two-week-old Eviegrace.
The target was £1,000 but that has now been well surpassed.
Fund organiser Sara McCaul wrote this morning: “Thanks to each and every one of you for your incredibly kind donations. I’ve tried to thank each of you individually, I’m so sorry if I’ve missed anyone.
“The total amount raised is just shy of £10,000 which is absolutely fantastic.
“Thanks so much for your support and for your words of comfort to Josh and the family at this difficult time.”
When she set up the GoFundMe page, Sara wrote: “Family and friends have been left devastated by her sudden passing at what should be a joyous occasion to celebrate.

SO IN LOVE….Josh and Samantha in happier times before COVID claimed her life
“She leaves behind her husband Josh, son Shea and daughters Holly, Lilyanna, and little Eviegrace.
“She will be sorely missed by her family and many friends.
“So many of us are feeling helpless at the moment and hopefully this page will help Josh and the children in the tough times ahead.”
It was reported that Samantha and her husband Josh both tested positive for Covid-19 on the July 31.
Shortly after testing positive, Samantha had to be admitted to Altnagelvin hospital and whilst she initially responded to treatment, her overall condition soon deteriorated.

Little baby Eviegrace will never get to know her mum Samanatha
On August 12, Samantha went into a coma and sadly passed away on Friday, August 20 after eight days.
The loving mum was laid to rest on Monday at Ballyoan Cemetery following Requiem Mass at St Columb’s Church, Chapel Road in the Waterside.
During the funeral service, her baby Eviegrace was baptised.
To donate to the fundraiser you can do so via: