A SPECIAL event to highlight the actions the business community can take to address the global climate change crisis will take place in the Guildhall on Wednesday, September 29 at 11am when the UK’s first 100% Hydrogen bus makes its way into the city.
The Zero Carbon Bus Tour is being hosted by the Planet Mark team and will feature a number of digital and physical events to demonstrate what zero carbon means, why it is important and how organisations can align with net zero targets.
The bus will be available for the public to come along and view at Guildhall Square from 11am until 2pm.
The UK wide tour aims to gather carbon stories of actions and initiatives being taken by organisations, community groups, services and individuals to play their part in creating a sustainable future.
Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Alderman Graham Warke, said: “I would encourage as many people as possible to sign up for the online event on September 29th where a number of exciting speakers have been confirmed.
“Shaping a brighter future is not something any one organisation can achieve alone and requires collaborative and decisive action.
“I am delighted that the City has been included in the Zero Carbon Bus Tour which will deliver a key message on how we can all play our part in reducing global emissions and a healthier zero carbon world in the future,” he said.
“As a Council we have committed to recognise the need to tackle climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions to minimise future global warming and being ready for the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
“We have recently declared a Climate Emergency and launched our Climate Change Adaption Plan where we have committed to do all we can to combat the problem.”
The event hosted at the Guildhall will be attended by local businesses and stakeholders to discuss the concept of net zero carbon and why it is critical for businesses.
Carbon stories will be shared from like-minded people, organisations and community groups and the impactful projects they are undertaking to reduce their carbon emissions.
Further information will also be available about the local initiatives in the region to support the journey to net zero carbon.
You can sign up for the Zero Carbon Tour now or make your net zero pledge by visiting: zerocarbontour.com
The Zero Carbon bus tour was facilitated to visit the city by the NI Local Government Association (NILGA), working with the Department for BEIS.