Dockworkers at Foyle Port in Derry to strike over pay next week
Said Cllr Harkin: “Strike action is often a last resort but workers are being given no option by employers and the political establishment.
“Two groups of dockworkers at Foyle Harbour represented by the trade union UNITE are taking strike action to challenge low pay and poor treatment from employers.
“Dockworkers at Burke Shipping Services are taking strike action this weekend to demand pay parity. Many workers are categorised as ‘casual’ and receive substandard pay.
“Foyle Port dockers are striking on Monday, November 29 to demand a very modest pay rise of 2.1 per cent.
“After agreeing to a pay freeze last year, the dockers were offered an insulting 0.4 per cent increase by Foyle Harbour bosses.
“Dockworkers are essential workers and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
“The whole sector has been kept afloat by dockworkers – it’s time for across the board pay justice and improved terms for all workers in the sector.
“People Before Profit will be joining the picket line and we encourage everyone to get behind the dockworkers demands.
“After years of pay cuts and the erosion of conditions many workers are standing up to pay injustice and poor treatment – health and social care workers, lecturers, domiciliary care workers, council workers and education workers.
“Corporations and the political establishment have been happy to pat workers on the back and sing platitudes for their efforts – but when it comes to doing something to redistribute wealth they’ve been fought completely wanting.
“People power action and solidarity has always been the means by which workers and the less well-off have improved their lot – and it will be no different today.”