Communities Minister Deirdre Hargey handed back £50 million from her department
He was speaking after it was revealed Communities Minister Deirder Hargey returned millions of pounds to the Stormont Executive during the height of the financial hardship emergency facing families across Derry and the North of Ireland.
During the same period families had their Universal Credit payments cut by over £20 a week and also faced huge hikes in gas, electricity and oil prices.
Said Cllr Harkin: “It’s simply stunning that the Sinn Féin Communities Minister returned nearly £50 million in funding last year.
“When the Tories axed £20-a-week from Universal Credit payments we were told the Stormont Executive could do nothing about it.
“This was clearly untrue.
“The Executive refuses to declare there’s a hardship emergency while people across our communities face a cost of living crisis.
“They are attempting to embroil us in sectarian communal squabbling while vulnerable people and workers from all backgrounds can’t make ends meet.
“Every Executive party has endorsed Tory pay cuts for health and social care workers and pays lip service to rising inequality.
“No one should wait on promises.
“The only thing that can force this Executive to act differently is people power.”