Clients and staff at Creggan Day Centre gathered recently to host an afternoon tea to celebrate’ getting back together’ to recognise that many people have felt isolated and lonely during the COVID pandemic.
Creggan Day Centre, which provides Day Care and Day Opportunities for clients with enduring mental health illness for many, is a lifeline and an integral part to their Recovery Journey.
It creates the social environment for people to come together whilst also providing structure, routine and support for clients to allow them to attain recovery goals.
The centre inspires hope by promoting independence and motivates clients to try new things and develop new skills.
The Day Centre has allowed the development of many new friendships for clients and created a support network to allow them to better manage their mental illness.
Fidelma Heaney, Day Centre Manager said: “Our afternoon tea event came about following an idea one of our clients had.
“It was then discussed with others attending Day Care and everyone thought this was a great idea.
“Clients were excited about being able to plan and organise the event and used their Arts and Crafts sessions to design and make the table centre pieces and other decorations for the room.
“This has been a great focus for clients in Day Care with a great sense of achievement in relation to the organisation and planning of the event.
“This is an example of how Day Care promotes the personalisation agenda as well as working to promote social inclusion and hope for clients.”
Fidelma added: “The centre runs Monday, Wednesday and Friday with an overall aim to provide a stepping stone to independence rather than a service for life.
“COVID-19 required Day Care staff to think differently and to create a Day Care Model that provided the same recovery focus for clients whilst also ensuring that they felt supported and valued.
“Although the restrictions placed on Day Care Providers as a result of infection, prevention and control measures was challenging, there were also benefits to both clients and staff as a result of this.
“The main success can be seen in the increased provision for day opportunities with clients availing of a more personalised activities outside of the Day Centres.
“The passion and dedication of the Day Care staff ensured that even during tight restrictions clients received some form of contact from staff to reduce isolation and to support them in managing any concerns/issues.
“As we continue on our rebuild journey the focus will be on promoting independence and supporting clients to become involved within their local communities.
“We are very thankful to our clients for their tremendous effort in making this afternoon tea event such a success and hope that this is one of many celebration events to come in the future.”