SDLP Foyleside Councillor Lilian Seenoir-Barr
Said Cllr Seenoi-Barr: “After speaking to a number of residents living on Glenbank Road and Glenbank Gardens, the impact of local anti-social behaviour caused by young people on the adjacent construction site is clear.
“Residents have told me of young people throwing stones and rubble from the site over fences.
“This should not be allowed to continue and residents must be allowed to live in peace, free from this kind of disturbance.
“I personally visited the site yesterday and noticed groups of young people congregating, with a couple of them even climbing over one of the resident’s fences.
“Steps must be taken to tackle instances of anti-social behaviour as the longer it is allowed to continue, the more the area will gain a reputation for this type of activity.
“I have written to the Education Authority and the construction company that operates on the site to ask that measures are taken to make this site more secure so as to deter this kind of behaviour.
“It is also worth saying that our young people deserve more opportunities to socialise safely in the local area so they are not encouraged to engage in such behaviour.”