Liz Truss elected new Tory party leader and new Prime Minister
The Foyle MP said that there will be no honeymoon period for the new Prime Minister as the cost of living crisis continues to hurt families, pay disputes mount and the absence of an Executive in Northern Ireland builds pressure on public services.
Said Mr Eastwood: “I want to offer my congratulations to Liz Truss following her election as leader of the Conservative Party this afternoon.
“She has the unenviable task of seeking to repair the immense damage done to public confidence in politics and public service following Boris Johnson’s unedifying tenure as British Prime Minister.
“There will be no honeymoon period for the new Prime Minister.
“Liz Truss must act immediately to address the cost of living crisis by freezing energy bills and introducing new direct support schemes for those with oil central heating or prepay meters.
“This should be funded through an extension of windfall taxes on energy companies making obscene and immoral profits as a result of this crisis.
“This must also be a moment for a change in policy toward Northern Ireland. The age of Prime Ministers dancing to the tune of the DUP must now be over.
“Sabre rattling with the European Union must give way to honest dialogue in the interests of all our people.
“And there must be a return to the politics of consensus through the restoration of devolved government.
“These will be early tests of the integrity of the new Prime Minister.”