Derry night time Christmas bus service hailed a success
She said the popularity of the services showed the need to support greater investment to ensure these services are a permanent fixture.
It follows lobbying from the MLA on the need for investment in our public transport services.
Said the Foyle MLA: “I would like to commend the team at Translink for the extensive effort they have invested into ensuring that these additional late-night services could proceed over the festive period.
“They are essential to support our night-time economy during these busier periods and the usage of these services evidences the clear desire from people to take advantage of the hospitality offering and support the industry.
“However, I believe that such popular services cannot be confined to festive periods.
“I have heard from many people across the city about their desire for increased night-time services and a financially sustainable late-night network and believe we should build on the success of the Christmas period to ensure a year-round offering.
“I am aware that the financial position is currently very constrained for Translink and as such would welcome further investment into our public transport network in any new three-year budget, if and when an Assembly is restored, to ensure that our frontline public services can be maintained and improved.
“Our night-time economy will only achieve its potential once we ensure that people have safe, frequent and low-cost options for public transport and we will continue to campaign for this.”