Sinn Fein Foyleside councillor Conor Heaney
The initiative stems from a motion tabled by Sinn Féin Councillor Conor Heaney who stressed the importance of the consultation which opened today.
Cllr. Heaney said: “My first motion on entering Council was to establish a Working Group on Irish Unity. That group has met a number of times and agreed a range of actions.
“These include a 12 week online consultation on Irish Unity and what ratepayers in Derry and Strabane Council would like to see in a new Ireland.
“Derry and Strabane Council is the first Council in Ireland to do this in the absence of the Irish Government establishing a proper all Ireland Citizens Assembly.
“Therefore it’s hugely important that everyone takes this opportunity to have their say.
“The new Ireland is for everyone and we all have a chance to shape it so let’s begin the conversation here in Derry.”