Unveiling of a commemorative plaque to mark the completion of the £27m North-West Multimodal Transport Hub are (l-r) Chris Conway, Translink Group Chief Executive; Gina McIntyre, Chief Executive of SEUPB; Mayor of Derry City and Strabane, Councillor Sandra Duffy; Jack Chambers TD, Minister of State at the Department of Transport and Julie Thompson from Department for Infrastructure.
The £27m facility was built with funding from the EU’s INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) with additional funding by the Department for Infrastructure, the Department for Transport in the Republic of Ireland and support from Derry City and Strabane District Council.
Speaking at the event Julie Thompson, Director of Climate, Planning and Public Transport, Department for Infrastructure said: “The Department for Infrastructure is committed to increasing the use of public transport and encouraging people to consider active travel options.
“To do that successfully we need to invest in the right infrastructure and facilities – the North West Transport Hub is an example of that.
“It is also an excellent example of what can be achieved through partnership working so I welcome the opportunity today to thank all those who have contributed to bringing this innovative project to fruition.
“In particular I would like to highlight the vital contribution of the EU’s INTERREG VA Programme and SEUPB.”
Jack Chambers TD, Minister of State at the Department of Transport, said: “I’m very happy to be here to mark the opening of what is a very exciting project.
“The North West Multimodal Transport Hub is an important facility in terms of cross-border connectivity and is seen not only through the enhancement of public transport infrastructure, but also in its part as a centre for active travel in the North West and its planned greenways.
“The facility here in Derry which my department, as well as the Department for Infrastructure in Northern Ireland, the local authorities, and the EU’s INTERREG VA Programme have funded provides a prominent example of collaborative working between these bodies in achieving our goals of active travel and sustainable transport.
“I welcome further cooperation on these projects in the future.”
Gina McIntyre, Chief Executive of SEUPB, said: “It has long been the case that transport across the region has been dominated by car usage, resulting in high carbon emissions and low accessibility for non-drivers.
“This remarkable project came under the EU INTERREG VA Programme, the object of which was to support cross-border, intermodal and sustainable mobility across the Programme area.
“Restoring such an historic building and delivering it back to the community as a multi-modal transport hub is an important step to ensuring transport provision for all citizens in the North West.
“It has created a network that brings together not just public transport, cycling and enhancement of electric vehicles, but also people from both sides of the border.
“I am delighted to see such a sustainable and architectural fabulous project, open for business and the community at large.”
The Mayor of Derry and Strabane, Councillor Sandra Duffy said: “This innovative cross border project has successfully transformed travel across the North West region encouraging more people to change their transport habits as we continue to seek to promote a greener, cleaner and more sustainable infrastructure.
“I am hugely impressed with the work that has been done at the Hub to not only regenerate the site but to create an accessible community space for everyone.
“The Council is delighted to be associated with this important collaboration and working alongside our partners to support and promote active travel options.”
Chris Conway, Translink Group Chief Executive, said: “This is an important day to thank, recognise and celebrate with all those organisations that supported the delivery of this impressive facility.
“Our sincerest appreciation goes to the Special EU Programmes Body for their significant investment, but thanks must also go to our Department for Infrastructure, the ROI Department of Transport, Donegal County Council, Derry City and Strabane District Council and Sustrans.
“As a key gateway to the region and this vibrant city, this award-winning facility is already helping to transform public transport and active travel whilst retaining all its 19th century charm and heritage.
“We look forward to continuing to build on its success as we work to drive modal shift, help address the climate crisis and ensure a smarter, cleaner and healthier region for all.”